First Years

Your First Year, your Primary Advisor is your First-Year Advisor. Group Advising for Health Professions usually provides sufficient information at this level. Please see our homepage for when these group advising sessions will occur. Individual Advising will occur for specialty questions not answered in the Group Advising. Classes include calculus and chemistry, other sciences as your major requires, social science, or literature requirements. Attend all review sessions and get to know your professors. Get involved in extracurricular activities, such as clubs, dorm involvement, or service through the Center for Social Concerns.

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Pre-Health Student Clubs at Notre Dame

First Year to Sophomore Summer: Perform clinical work, service work, or research, even part-time. Research on your application will demonstrate a depth of interest in a topic. Clinical experience demonstrates knowledge of the profession. Service work illustrates your caring for others, leadership, and character. The Center has provided helpful resources to begin your experience here.

Profile of the Average Notre Dame Applicant

  • GPA 3.71 (national avg. ~ 3.62)
  • ND Science GPA 3.64 (national avg. ~ 3.52)
  • MCAT 513.8 (above nat’l average 506.8) (2021/22 cycle)
  • Majors (in order of prevalence) in science preprofessional studies (SCPP), biological sciences, arts and letters pre-health, science-business, engineering, chemistry and biochemistry, mathematics, and physics
  • Volunteer service during the school year and summer
  • Clinical experience beyond occasional shadowing
  • Research in bench science or another field
  • Hobbies and activities
  • Leadership in dorm, club, or service activities